Saturday 19 November 2011

3 Final Chosen Poster Design

" I Love Help "

Poster 1 

Description of poster design 

  • Birds on the top represent FREEDOM of the students, HELP gives student freedom to express ideas, to think and to challenge themselves 
  • They will keep growing like the leaves and flowers
  • Sunflower and tree branches create the LOVE shape, which represent the meaning of love.
  • Sunflower represents hopes of the student in HELP
  • Yellow sunflower used because, YELLOW BLOSSOMS represents joy, happiness and energy and signify friendship
  • Branches represents knowledge of students will be keep growing
  • Roses (HELP) 
  • Red roses (I love you) – courage, passion, respect, energy 
  • Orange roses – desire of good result, confidence & satisfactions
  • Leaves – personal growth and opportunities students can gain in HELP, more optimism
  • Wood – student as tough as the wood
  •          Background sunflower represents HOPE
  •      Uses Pink sunflowers because pink blossoms convey youth & joy

 5TH PART (typography & tagline & articles)
  • Tagline - Live. Learn. Thrive!
  • FONT - BAUHAUS 93, Regular and 34.15 pt
  • Articles - Student are at the heart of everything we do, we take great pride in developing responsible individuals. We will lead you to see the difference in your future. 
  • FONT - Elephant, Regular and 17.93pt
  • HOPE –  What students hope for, HELP will help them to achieve
  • EXCELLENCE – HELP provide quality education&knowledge for students to achieve           excellent result
  • LEADERSHIP – HELP lead student to be a good leader in future 
  • PROFESSIONAL – HELP offers professional lecturers to guide students 
6TH PART (Summary of Execution)

Software : Adobe Illustrator Cs3

1. Tool used for 1st PART : Pencil Tool, Ellipse Tool, Wrap Tool to illustrate the body, eyes, beak and wing of the birds. Pencil Tool to draw the flowers, leaves and branches. 

2. Tool used for 2nd PART : Pencil Tool, Wrap Tool, Ellipse Tool to create the sunflowers, branches and flowers. And, Window >Brush Libraries > Artist Ink, 0.5pt used for the outline of sunflowers. 

3. Tool used for 3rd PART : Pencil Tool, Wrap Tool and Brush Libraries to draw the shapes of leaves, flowers and tree branches. 

4. Tool used for 4th PART : Pencil Tool used to flowers, Pen Tool used to draw leaves. transparency > opacity > 32%. 

Poster 2

Description of poster design 

  •          Bird represents FREEDOM , HELP gives student freedom to express ideas, to think and to challenge themselves
  •          Butterfly represents CHANGE & REBIRTH of students in HELP and HOPE and FREEDOM. 
  •          ROUND shape
    -          Leaves :- personal growth and opportunities student can gain
    -          Orange flowers :- convey confidence
    -          Pink flowers :- fresh beginnings, youth (bright shades of pink – friendship       and fun)
    -          Red flowers :- intense, passionate, impulsive
    -          Purple flowers :- pride & success
    -          Branches :- tough & knowledge keep growing 
  • 'I' – brown color, color of earth and nature (toughness of student)
  • 'LOVE' – red with flowers (passion and desire)
  • 'HELP' – purple (is a ideal color to combine with red and brown) Represents the meaning of (some people use purple in life) – to increase imagination and inspiration 

 5TH PART (typography & tagline & articles)  
  • Tagline - Live. Learn. Thrive!
  • FONT - BAUHAUS 93, Regular and 34.15 pt 
  • Articles - Student are at the heart of everything we do, we take great pride in developing responsible individuals. We will lead you to see the difference in your future. 
  • FONT - Elephant, Regular and 17.93pt 
  • HOPE –  What students hope for, HELP will help them to achieve
  • EXCELLENCE – HELP provide quality education&knowledge for students to achieve           excellent result
  • LEADERSHIP – HELP lead student to be a good leader in future 
  • PROFESSIONAL – HELP offers professional lecturers to guide students
6TH PART (Summary of Execution)

Software : Adobe Illustrator Cs3

1. Tool used for 1st PART : Pen Tool (Add and delete anchor point), Wrap Tool, Smooth Tool  to illustrate the body of birds. 

2. Tool used for 2nd PART : Pencil Tool, Wrap Tool to draw the butterfly. Transparency > Opacity > 71%

3. Tool used for 3rd PART :(ROUND) Ellipse Tool create flowers, Pencil Tool, Line Segment Tool, Wrap Tool and Arc Tool to create leaves. 

4. Tool used for 4th PART : i - font is Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold, 119.78pt, brown color. Pencil Tool, Wrap Tool, Spiral Tool, Arc Tool illustrate love shape and flowers that filled up the love shape. HELP - font is Berlin Sans FB Demi Bold, 108.94pt, purple color.

Poster 3 

Description of poster design 

  •          Butterfly is a symbol of transformation, change and rebirth
    -          A reminder to make changer when opportunity arises
    -          Freedom to think of ideas and challenge 
  •              Background ( leaves, birds, butterfly, flowers, trees branches)
  •         Keep growing of personal growth and opportunities ( leaves )
  •         Keep growing of passion, courage (flowers)
  •         Keep growing of knowledge (tree branches) 

  •           I LOVE HELP

           I -  leaves
               - green color, because provide feelings of a need for change or growth. 
               - And,freedom to pursue new ideas

           LOVE - flowers filled in heart ( love help, love students)
                       - red color, because provide feelings of more energy and confidence
                         to fight for dreams     
           HELP - wood represent tough 
                       - brown color, because is a color of nature, easy to blend with the background

 4TH PART (typography & tagline & articles)
  • Tagline - Live. Learn. Thrive!
  • FONT - BAUHAUS 93, Regular and 34.15 pt 
  • Articles - Student are at the heart of everything we do, we take great pride in developing responsible individuals. We will lead you to see the difference in your future. 
  • FONT - Elephant, Regular and 17.93pt 
  • HOPE –  What students hope for, HELP will help them to achieve
  • EXCELLENCE – HELP provide quality education&knowledge for students to achieve           excellent result
  • LEADERSHIP – HELP lead student to be a good leader in future 
  • PROFESSIONAL – HELP offers professional lecturers to guide students

5TH PART (Summary of Execution)

Software : Adobe Illustrator Cs3

1. Tool used for 1st PART : Pencil Tool illustrate outline of butterfly, Pencil Tool, Ellipse Tool and Wrap Tool illustrate forewing and hingwing part of butterfly, 

2. Tool used for 2nd PART : Pencil Tool, Wrap Tool, Pucker Tool, Swril Tool and Smooth Tool to draw the tree branches, flowers, leaves, butterfly and birds. 

3. Tool used for 3rd PART : Pencil Tool illustrate the outlines of leaves, font is Myriad Pro, regular, 119.11pt. Pencil Tool, Wrap Tool, Spiral Tool, Arc Tool illustrate love shape and flowers that filled up the love shape. HELP - font is Bauhaus 93, regular, 139.87pt. Rectangle Tool, Wrap Tool, Twirl Tool to make wood texture. 

- END -

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